⚠️Hello, my name is demodex folliculorum and I live in the pores of your facial skin and the hair follicles of your eyelashes, that's why it is important to remove makeup, wash your face and eyelashes daily.
🕷 The only way to see me is with a microscope. I measure between 0.3 and 0.4 mm and like spiders, I have 8 legs.
🚨 I like living in the hair follicles you have in your nose, cheeks and eyelashes. These are places where there is more fat to feed me.
🚨 I feed on your secretions and dead skin. I can lay up to 25 eggs in each hair follicle.
🤮 My digestive system is not able to eliminate my waste, so I accumulate it in my body until I explode and die. My leftovers cause hypersensitivity reactions.
😵💫I can cause eyelid infections and rosacea.
I'm a mite that's present in almost every adult on this planet. When I get out of control, I can cause a lot of trouble, but most people don't even know I'm there.
• Are you going to remove your makeup tonight?
• Are you going to clean your eyelashes?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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